Arterìa Safe Tech has a full consultancy service for conserving works of art, , making its Research and Development Department available to its clients, with a team that can analyse, design and produce the finest solutions for conserving works of art and objets d’art.

This unique team of professionals are on hand to share their know-how through solutions that can meet the needs of Museums, Galleries and Collectors.

“The protection — and, consequently, the conservation — of a work of art is highly dependent on every aspect of the surrounding environment.

Correctly displaying the art in the open and/or in a display case and conserving it properly when in storage has to include appropriate control of the microclimate and lighting. This helps to ensure that the work of art is kept in excellent condition so that it can be passed down to future generations.”

Manuela Panarelli
Research & Development Department

Contact ARTERIA SAFE TECH’s Consultancy Department for the Conserving Works of Art

Our experts will be able to assist you in finding the best solutions and give you information and quotes.

Sensor installation

T/RH data-logger

Display case


Product identification label


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